Always, Bekah

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Not In A Hurry

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I don’t know if you live in Delaware, or under a rock, but in case you missed it, we had a pretty gnarly storm this week.

There was a lot of damage, and I ask that you keep those who had their homes and property damaged in prayer for the next few weeks.

We were so blessed. Our house wasn’t touched.

Only by rain, of course. There was a LOT of rain.

Not totally sure why, but I’ve always loved a good rain. Summer rain, autumn rain, I’m not picky.

Precipitation in general. I’m a big fan.

I guess there’s something about a gloomy day that settles my soul. There’s nowhere I need to be, there’s nothing to do outside, and I can just be.

Elliot and I visited London a few years ago for the weekend (perks of being a flight attendant). It was January, so definitely off season, and it was cold and rainy all weekend long. It didn’t matter to us. We got to just be in London and experience it for exactly what it is. We explored and got tea and scones at least 3 times a day, and we sat in coffee shops and watched the city be.

I’ll admit, we also toured the entire city in two days and saw 1,000 things, but my favorite parts were when we were still and taking in everything around us. In those moments, we weren’t in a hurry for anything, and somehow, we were living more in those tiny moments of stillness than when we were on the go seeing everything there was to see.

A couple weeks ago, one of the guys I play in a band with introduced a new song. It’s not my usual type of jam, but my goodness, did it speak to me.

It’s called Not In A Hurry, by Will Reagan. It goes..

Lord, I don’t wanna rush on ahead

In my own strength

When you’re right here

I’m not in a hurry

When it comes to your Spirit

When it comes to your presence

When it comes to your voice

I’m learning to listen

Just to rest in your nearness

I’m starting to notice

You are speaking

God called me out with this one.

I’m ALWAYS in a hurry.

I’m a control freak, who can’t sit still, and if I’m not being productive, then I’m doing it wrong.

There’s always so much to do, that when I do have a free afternoon, I don’t know how to spend it.

How can I listen to God, when I’m too busy listening to my own internal dialogue?

He clearly tells me to “Be Still, and know that I am God” but I’m not doing it.

I’m not following the very simple instructions of “Chill out and rest in Me". I mean, it’s not a hard rule, but I’ve overlooked it as less important than my to-do list.

More importantly, how can I hear what God is speaking into my life when I’m actively drowning Him out with a thousand tiny details??

For someone who is constantly going a hundred miles an hour, it’s SO HARD to just be still. But the times when I am still are when I am most alive.

I am alive and my best self when I am being intentional about my time, and doing the things that truly matter.

Like spending time in actual prayer, and not distracting myself with texts and social media.

Like hanging out on the couch with my husband while he jokes about all the things he wants for his birthday (he’s a 5 year old but I love him).

Like worrying less about the dishes than I do about giving my puppy some snuggles when I’ve been at work the last two days.

Like treating myself to a fancy cup of coffee at Starbucks, and taking a moment to chat with the super sweet barista.

Like curling up with a cup of tea and watching the rain, without picking up my phone or a book.

Like learning to listen to my Creator, not myself.

Like being present exactly where I am.

Like living.

I don’t know about you, but the idea of living sounds much better than simply existing.

I’m learning to listen, just to rest in your nearness. I’m starting to notice, You are speaking.”

“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14