Always, Bekah

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The Holiday I Never Liked

It’s February! Which means its time for LOVE.

Ew. I can’t believe I just said that.

BUT. You all know how I feel about holidays and seasons and just general celebrating (I’m a BIG fan, if you’re just now catching on), so I guess I’ll keep it rolling, even if this particular holiday isn’t my fave.

People have all kinds of feelings about Valentine’s Day, and I get it. I really do. There’s the “I don’t celebrate it because there’s too much pressure.” And then there’s the “ I LOVE LOVE AND VALENTINES AND I WANT ALL THE ROSES AND DINNERS”. And my personal favorite, “Love is year round, so making a big deal out of it for one day is dumb.” I was on that train for a LONG time.

For those of you who don’t know, I just got married in May, to a guy that I totally don’t deserve (but don’t tell him that). Also, for those of you who don’t know, I truly cannot stand any type of overly emotional or lovey-dovey jazz. In a movie? Sure. But in real life? Please make it stop. Heck, I love my husband more than anything else on this earth, and most of the time, I’m like “he’s the most ok”. So it’s not a major surprise that Valentine’s Day isn’t on my list of top ten…..literally anything.

However, since I do actually love my husband, and love is about putting others before yourself, I think it’s only right that I do what I can to show him that he really does mean the world to me. For the record, you can celebrate anyone who means the world to you. I’m just choosing my husband, because, well, he’s my husband. It’s a no brainer. If you want to celebrate your sister or your best friend or your mom, you go, Glen Coco.

Look, its a holiday about love. And the way I see it, love is pretty much the most important thing we have here on this planet. We crave love, in all its forms. We are called to love. We spend our lives seeking it. Without it, we struggle to find purpose. Love is what makes the world go ‘round.

Sure, there are different kinds of love. We love our friends, our family, our significant other, our pets, and ourselves. Everyone experiences love in some way, shape or form. Love is for everyone, and love is free. So, even if you’re not “in love” this Valentine’s Day, or if you don’t have a “Valentine”, there’s absolutely no reason you can’t celebrate a holiday that’s legitimately for everyone.

So here’s the deal. If you love someone (which I’m assuming there’s at least one human on earth that you love), let them know. That’s all there is to it.

If you love your parents, call them or send a card. If you love your bestie, pick up a little gift for him or her. If you love your grandmother, take her out for lunch or coffee. If you love your significant other, make them their favorite meal or plan a date to their favorite place. If you love yourself, go for a walk or take a bubble bath. There are so many ways we can show love to those around us that make an impact, and they’re really not all that complicated. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture with 5,000 perfect rose petals or a teddy bear the size of a car. All it takes is a little time and a little thought.

Like I said, I’ve never been a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, but since I’m doing this whole “every day is a special occasion” thing this year, I might as well celebrate as if it’s the last Valentine’s Day I’ll have. So, I’m going to do the thing that is the absolute LEAST “me” thing to do, and I am going to participate the heck out of this extremely feelsy, way-too-emotional holiday. Which, I hope you all know has already given me a migraine.

If you’re anything like me, and the idea of getting super creative and thoughtful for Valentine’s Day stresses you out, I am your new best friend. For real. I have created a fun list of Valentine ideas for anyone in your life who rocks your socks. Even yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you show yourself a little love too!

Family & Friends

  • Mani/Pedi.

  • Coffee or lunch date to a cute place in town.

  • Make a yummy homemade meal to enjoy together.

  • Send a thoughtful card.

  • Pick up a cute succulent or plant and write a note with it.

  • Make a little gift basket with their favorite snacks/stuff (skincare, nail polish, face masks, etc).

  • Plan a chill night to hang and do a facial or some kind of rejuvenating treatment with wine and a movie.

  • Bake some treats and deliver them personally.

  • Call them on the phone and ask about them.

  • Send flowers or deliver them personally.

Spouse / Significant Others

  • Go to the location of your first date, or other meaningful place.

  • Surprise them with their favorite treats in a cute basket or bag.

  • Take a day trip to a city or town for a change of scenery.

  • Go out for dessert!

  • Take a walk by the water or at a pretty park.

  • Get tickets to something they are interested in (sports, music, theatre, etc.)

  • Leave love notes for them to find (I usually do lunch notes! I LOVE these cute printable ones).

  • Clean the house and take care of all chores so they have nothing to worry about for an evening.

  • Run a hot bath with essential oils or a bath bomb to help them relax.

  • Surprise them with takeout from their favorite place.

  • Pick up a few small gifts that they wouldn’t buy themselves.

  • Send them an unexpected text telling them what they mean to you.

  • Bring them coffee and breakfast in bed on their day off.


  • Spend an evening with no screens (read, take a bath, work on a project or activity you enjoy).

  • Go outside for a walk.

  • Do a face mask.

  • Buy yourself a new product you’ve been wanting to try.

  • Do some yoga or a new workout.

  • Get a haircut (sometimes even a simple trim just feels SO much better).

  • Meal prep some healthy snacks you pinned on Pinterest.

  • Bake some treats.

  • Go to a store you love and browse.

  • Sit and watch the sun set.

  • Enjoy a cup of coffee in silence.

  • Treat yourself to your favorite fancy coffee or your favorite restaurant.

P.S- It’s also helpful to keep the love languages in mind. If you have never heard of The 5 Love Languages, then A. you’ve been living under a rock. and B. they’re super useful and help to create the most meaningful communication of love.

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

“If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:2