Always, Bekah

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Suns Out Guns Out: Part 2



Good morning!!

I got a sunburn this weekend. With lines and everything.

The best part is that I got it from painting my porch this weekend. Which means I wasn’t laying out in a swimsuit, ensuring I got nice, even color.


I have a one-armed farmer’s tan.

If that’s not the best way to start your week, I don’t know what is.

Obviously, I didn’t plan to tan my left arm this weekend, but I guess these things happen when you don’t prepare for it.

But, I CAN prepare for summer! (Like that segway?)

I CAN clean up your diet, like I talked about last week in Suns Out Guns Out: Part 1.

I CAN start moving your body to get in better shape. I CAN make these choices.

I have fitness goals, just like everyone else. I want to be able to run a half marathon sometime next year, and I want to improve my flexibility. Maybe you have goals to run a 5K. Maybe you have children or grandchildren you want to keep up with this summer. Maybe you want to lose those stubborn, last 5-10 lbs. Maybe you just want to feel good. These are all really great reasons to make a few small changes that will bring more joy than we thought possible.

This week, I’m sharing some tips to boost my fitness for summer and feel my best. I know nobody likes thinking about working out. Even me. I know for a fact that working out early is better for me and I am less likely to run out of time if I get it done early. But let me tell you, I do NOT like thinking about working out when I’m enjoying my cup of coffee in the morning. It just isn’t my favorite. So I’m totally with you there.

The thing is, working out shouldn’t be something I dread, because if I’m honest, I LOVE the way I feel afterwards. Everything is better after I work out, so I should want to do it. But I don’t always, and that’s just life. So here are some ideas that I’ve been using lately to get myself up and moving so that I can crush some goals this summer and feel like a million bucks in whatever I wear (which is gym shorts and a tank top 95% of the time, but who cares?)

  1. If you’re new to working out, start small. Try taking a daily walk, and maybe ten squats or sit ups. Sometimes I do some squats while I brush my teeth, or wait for my breakfast to cook. It takes very little time, but it adds up if you break it into tiny pieces. If you’re feeling ambitious, try doing an exercise every time you go to the bathroom. That way, your activity is spread throughout the day!

  2. Work out at home! Personally, we do Beach Body workouts in our basement. We really like the variety of programs and that you can do them at home and get great results. But you can find all types of workouts for free on Youtube. Yoga, HIIT, Bootcamp, Pilates, Barre; the possibilities are endless! You can easily find a workout that is suitable for your level of fitness, and do it in the comfort of your home! Heck, you can probably find one that you can do while dinner is in the oven! Two birds - One Stone.

  3. Spend time outside. Seriously, it’s much easier to waste time scrolling Instagram on your couch when you’re inside. Because your couch in inside. And if you’re anything like me, having a comfy couch is half the problem. But if I get up to go throw the ball for my pups, I get some movement in, and sometimes I’m even tempted to play with my neighbor’s kids, and then my movement is skyrocketed, because they almost always ask me to race them or run around in some capacity. All good things.

  4. Don’t pressure yourself. This, I struggle with. I’m currently 4 weeks into a 6 week Barre program with BeachBody, which I love, but when it’s nice out, I want to go on a run with my puppy. The problem is, I get off track on the workout program and then I feel like I’m behind. I’m crazy, I know. But heck, I’m STILL MOVING. And that is all that really matters. It doesn’t matter what kind of workout I do, as long as I do something that feels good, and I enjoy. If you’re not currently enjoying your workout, change it up! Find something you love to do, because if it’s fun, it’s not a chore. And taking care of your body is a privilege, not a chore.

    One more time: Moving your body is a privilege, NOT a chore.

    So basically, don’t make it a chore. If you want to try something different, do it! Give yourself the freedom to be flexible and do what makes you happy.

We are currently living through such a crazy and stressful season, and it’s important to take care of yourself. Fitness IS self-care. Moving your body helps your mental and physical health, and I want everyone to take care of themselves during this time. If you haven’t read my post on self-care, you can read it here. You are valued, loved and worth the effort to feel your best. So go move your body!

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.” Proverbs 31:17