Always, Bekah

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Suns Out Guns Out: Part 1

A 3-Part Action Plan To Your Best Flex Forward

Part 1: Fuel

It was sunny and 75 today, y’all.

Summer is right around the corner and ya girl is HERE. FOR. IT.

I love the sunny weather, beer, and burgers on the grill.

No really, I LIVE for beer and burgers. I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about a cold beer and a grilled burger (or literally any food) that just feels like summer.

That being said, the “quarantine fifteen” is a very real thing, and even though this summer probably won’t look like every other summer before, I cannot continue living like I’m never wearing real clothes again.

Because I am GOING to wear real clothes, and so help me, if they do not fit, I will cry. Ugly cry.

That being said, I had been pretty lazy about my diet and exercise since this pandemic started back in March, and something had to give.

The reason is not because of the way I look. That’s important too, but mostly it’s because I want to enjoy my summer.

I want to swim in the ocean, and ride my bike, and play yard games. I want to FEEL good, and I want to have energy to keep up with my pups, and enjoy every minute of every day. I want to enjoy my favorite summer meals, and not feel horrible after.

I don’t want to feel bloated, or tired. I don’t want to feel self-conscious, and I DEFINITELY don’t want to feel like I can’t do something because I’m stiff or something hurts.

I want my ENTIRE body to be on the same page.

So here’s what I did.

I started moving my body more, and I started eating less of the foods that don’t serve me.

That’s it.

I know its easier said than done, so I’m going to break it down.

I started focusing on foods that are fuel, rather than fillers that taste amazing, but don’t do much for me other than that. Food is fuel, and I want to fuel my body to run and move and do all the things I just mentioned. So I need to eat accordingly.

Today is Part 1 of my Suns Out Guns Out: Action Plan For Summer and I’m sharing some ways to clean up your diet a little bit, while still enjoying your food. Because 2020 has been a doozy, and I need all the health I can get to finish the year strong. There is too much negativity floating around, and I can’t stay mentally healthy if my body isn’t healthy. Stay safe, and stay healthy.

More Veggies.

Don’t hate me, but it’s true. You need more veggies. It’s basically the only food category you don’t have to worry about having too much of. And good news! There are so many ways to love your veggies. Recently, I started experimenting with cauliflower, and I think I’ve outdone myself. I cut them into florets, drizzle with oil and some seasonings (literally whatever I’m feeling that day) and pop them in the air fryer for 10 minutes. They’re toasty and a little crunchy and SO YUMMY. They last a total of 15 minutes, because we snack on them right out of the fryer. I got the idea from this recipe for Buffalo Cauliflower that I made for my husband, which is also a winner if you like spicy snacks.

Currently, I’m obsessed with grilled veggies. Well. Grilled anything, obviously, but I digress. Grilled zucchini is a super easy veggie that tastes amazing on the grill and takes 5 minutes to prep. Cut them up, either medallions or like potato wedges (I like wedges), toss them in some avocado oil and your favorite seasonings and toss those bad boys on your grill while you grill your chicken or burgers or steak or whatever you’re having. We’ve done a few different Italian seasonings, garlic pepper, lemon pepper and even Old Bay! Guys, these veggies are on our dinner menu at least twice a week and we never get tired of it because you can change it up as often as you like.

Lighter Drinks.

Picture this: It’s 86 degrees out and you’re laying by the pool, with a cold, refreshing drink in your hand. What is it? For me, it’s a frozen margarita. However, a lot of the margarita mixes are loaded with extra sugar, and it upsets my stomach. I want to enjoy a cold margarita with lots of lime flavor, but not so much sugar, so I created my own Skinny Margarita! It’s basically just half or a third of the normal amount of margarita mix, an extra lime squeezed in, and some sparkling water (preferably lime flavored). It’s still refreshing and cold, but with much less sugar and more water!! It’s summer time! Hydrate or Die-drate, am I right?

If Margarita’s aren’t your jam, but you still want to try a new, refreshing and low-cal beverage, try a vodka seltzer, with some lime and cucumber! Or mint, if you’re a fancy shmance. The cucumber tastes SO GOOD and it goes with any flavor sparkling water. Side note: I was just educated this week on the difference between seltzer, sparkling water, and club soda, and what I learned is: I don’t care. If there’s a difference, I haven’t noticed, so drink whatever floats your boat.


Better Snacks.

I’m not sure if I’ve made it clear that I’m a snacky lady, but if not, here’s your sign. But like I said, ya girl has a sensitive tummy and I have to choose my snacks wisely if I want to feel good. Lately, we’ve started popping our own popcorn, like old-school style. We have this really cool popper that we received as a gift (Thanks, Ms. Beth!!) but you can easily do it on your stovetop. It’s better this way, I promise. I’ve been sprinkling some Himalayan pink salt and drizzling a tablespoon of truffle oil, or if you’re poor like me, Lidl has a “truffle infused” olive oil which is just as good. Shake it up, and you’ve got yourself a delicious snack that might not be the healthiest option, but its way better than a microwave bag of fake butter and chemicals that coat your popcorn and make your teeth feel gross. I got the “chili infused” olive oil for Elliot, so you can really make it whatever you want it to be! Everything But The Bagel seasoning, garlic powder, the world is your oyster.

Honestly friends, be good to your body. Eat food that fuels your body, because that’s all food really is. Fuel. Its purpose is to provide the nutrients you need to move and breathe and fight off illness, so it’s important to eat the foods that do those things. Naturally, we all have our weaknesses, and sometimes we eat our favorite foods because we enjoy them, and that’s okay. Just try to keep a healthy balance of nutrient-rich foods, and the yummy, not-so-nutritious ones too! I promise, your body will thank you. You will feel better, look better, have more energy, and maybe enjoy your summer a little more. Take care of yourselves, and be healthy.

These are just a few ideas to help make some healthy choices when grabbing a snack or a drink, but feel free to get creative!! If you find or make something new that is super delicious and packed with nutrients, please share below! I would love some new ideas to try!

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything.” 1 Corinthians 6:12