Always, Bekah

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8 Travel Tips For Your Best Trip Yet

Traveling Hacks from a former flight attendant

You guys.

I’m going on vacation TOMORROW. AHHHHHH!!!

Which naturally means two things are happening.

  1. I am SO excited to enjoy some much-needed sunshine.

  2. I am losing my ever-loving mind in an attempt to get everything packed and ready to go.

We have been going nonstop, for, like, ever, and we are long overdue for a relaxing vacay. I mean, it’s been since beach week last summer, and for me, that’s WAY too long. Am I being a princess about this? Yeah probably, but oh well. It’s probably-most-definitely the direct result of being a former flight attendant.

This was one of the most interesting layover hotels we stayed in. It was a very millennial hotel in Las Vegas, complete with Kardashian mirrors.

In case you didn’t already know, in my past life, I was a flight attendant.

Yes, for real. Here the proof.

Before you ask, yes, it was super cool, and yes, I flew for free, but no, if I loved it, I would still be flying.

However, flying did provide me some incredible travel experiences, and I LOVE to travel, so that part was super valuable. I mean, one time Elliot and I hit up London for the weekend and casually flew back first class. I was able to fly my entire family to Ireland and Scotland for a trip of a lifetime. It was truly one of the best trips we’ve ever had. Because of this job, I was able to see so much more of the world than I would have otherwise and for that, I am grateful.

However, the adjustment to a regular job (you know, like the kind on the ground), was a struggle. After I finished orientation, I had a small crisis because I hadn’t gone on a mini-vacation for OVER A MONTH. It was hard. Two months in to my new job, (it was February) and I was like “Um, ok can I get a San Diego layover now, please?” It’s not fun when you used have mini vacations every week and then you get cut off and have to work a real job. In the winter. In crappy weather. Ugh, the struggle is real.

For two years, I was a flight attendant for one of the main US airlines, and for two years I was always on the go. Every week, I was in 3 different cities (at least), and I had to pack for all types of weather, because the same 3 day trip could take me to Fort Lauderdale, Seattle AND Chicago. Traveling became a lifestyle for me, and I literally lived out of my suitcase for the entire time. Needless to say, I picked up a few travel tips along the way. I learned to walk the fine line that was having everything I needed and nothing extra. So here I am, sharing with you my not-so-top-secret traveling hacks!

8 Tips For Your Next Trip


All the wipes. Disinfectant wipes for your seat on the plane, in the airport, literally anywhere. You will never say to yourself, “Ugh, I really wish I hadn’t brought something to clean this tray table with. What a waste!” Literally ever. Because let me tell you, your seat and your tray table are never cleaned. They don’t even open them in between flights. Most airlines are doing “quickturns” now, which means the cleaners have 8 minutes to clean the entire plane between the last customer leaving the plane and the first customer of the next flight boarding. Yes, 8 minutes. So no, it’s not clean, and you’ll be glad you brought your Clorox wipes. You’re welcome.

Also, makeup remover wipes. Bring them. Or baby wipes, or any kind of wipe for your body. A. It’s nice to take off your makeup and not get eye infections. Who knew? B. You can use them to give your underarms a quick refresh when you’ve been stuck in an airport all day, or even if you’re touring all day. You can clean your face of all the gunk and sweat whenever you want, and it’s a game changer.

Roll your clothes.

I don’t know why, but you can fit so much more in your bag when you roll your clothes. I’ve been rolling since I started flying and it’s amazing. Also, make sure you pack all your heavier clothes, like jeans, sweaters, and shoes, in the bottom (or the end closest to the wheels, if that makes more sense). That way, it’s “lighter” because the bulk of the weight is on the wheels themselves and not the handle.

Pack a “emergency” outfit.

Lost luggage doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s a doozy. My parents have always told us to pack a change of clothes, usually comfortable clothes you could sleep in, and extra underwear IN YOUR CARRY-ON. That way, if your luggage is lost or delayed, you at least have something clean to wear while you sort out that mess.

Drink LOTS of water.

I’ve already told you guys about the importance of staying hydrated in your everyday life. As in, do it. Especially when you’re traveling. I recommend you pack a reusable water bottle that you like. You can bring it through security empty, and there are water fountains everywhere. Or you can buy water, whatever suits your fancy, AS LONG AS YOU DRINK IT. I cannot tell you how many people I’ve witnessed either passed out or feel sick in the air because they were dehydrated. The altitude definitely dehydrates you faster than being on the ground, so be prepared and drink a lot of water.

Trip Advisor.

I have found THE BEST travel spots/tours on Trip Advisor. The ratings are super reliable and now if I want to plan a tour or excursion while on vacation, I always check Trip Advisor. I even used it to find our resort for our honeymoon! It’s a 5-star reference guide for all things travel.

Here is the fam at Dublin Castle.

Leave time in your itinerary to explore.

I am a planner. I typically plan out every waking moment of our trips. Is it crazy? Probably. We get up early, see all the things, and try to get to bed early enough to do it all over again the next day. It’s great, but also leaves me completely exhausted, and I’ve found that I’m not the nicest person when I’m tired. I started planning open blocks of hours in trips for the sole purpose of exploring, and it has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Memories are made when you have no plans and you just follow whatever interests you. Sometimes you make new friends, sometimes you find a restaurant that knocks your socks off, and sometimes you find 3 dead ends and seek refuge in a coffee shop and laugh about your terrible sense of direction. All good things.

Mix & Match.

Repeat after me. You do not need 1,000 outfits. You have to pack for a certain amount of days in one bag (usually) and you do not need more than that. Pack a few pieces that can be mixed and matched. Bring ONE jacket/sweater; one that is versatile. A sundress can be worn on multiple occasions, and you can dress it up or down. And let’s be honest, you’re probably only going to wear your favorite things anyway, so don’t overpack.

Be Self-Sufficient. (AKA. Bring. Your. Own. Stuff.)

Let’s be honest, the snacks are getting smaller, the Wifi is spotty at best, and really the airline’s only legitimate responsibility is to get you from Point A to Point B in one piece. You get one tiny bag of pretzels, and maybe two juices. And no, they will not cater to you and give you a free snack box because you’re gluten free. It’s INSANE how people don’t take responsibility for themselves. You know what snacks you like, and what kind of sustenance you require, so BRING IT. Bring either a packed lunch or grab a sandwich in the airport (I promise you, airport food is WAY better than airplane food).

Part 2 of this dissertation is to bring your own entertainment. Bring. A. Book. Wifi is not guaranteed and you don’t want to rely on something that is completely inconsistent and out of your control. Download your favorite Netflix shows or movies on your phone or tablet. My Kindle holds tons of books, so I always grab a few new ones whenever I go on vacation. If you knit, you can bring that. Or if you’re in school and can study, see if you can download material or consolidate your notes in one binder. Please don’t rely on the airline for your entertainment. You’ll be much happier with the things you know you enjoy, and knowing you already have a plan for entertainment brings so much peace of mind.

I hope these tips are helpful for your next trip and PLEASE share your spring vacation plans! I love traveling and love to hear about all the amazing places there are to see!