Always, Bekah

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The Christmas Playlist

I'm a music collector. Of sorts.

I don't have a collection of vinyls or anything like that, but I do still have every CD I've ever gotten.

And I remember my very first CD player. It was purple, and I listened to the Shrek soundtrack on repeat for a LONG TIME. Eventually, I was gifted a CD case for my collection and I made a point to fill that bad boy up. I was playing no games.

I remember when I got my first iPod - it was the first iPod shuffle, and it was like a USB drive that played music and I was OBSESSED. I'm pretty sure I learned how to use iTunes overnight, at the ripe age of like, 12 or so, and I spent a week downloading every single CD I could find in my house onto my iTunes account. It was insane. I didn't listen to all of it. Okay, probably not even half of it. I mean, come on, the iPod had 1 GB of storage.

But I wanted to have it all in one place. Just in case I ever needed it. You know, for emergencies.

And so my collection was born.

Over the last 15 years, I have made A LOT of playlists. I did it as a hobby in high school to listen to music that was the right vibe or whatever, and it always included a little bit of my taste from every stage of my life.

One of the oldest, and most favorite playlists is my Christmas playlist.

I'll be honest, it started as one album, and it wasn't even mine. It was my dad's Looking For Christmas album by Clint Black.

It was the album my dad played every year while we put up the Christmas tree. I probably listened to this album before I could walk, and it's still not old.

It's that good.

If you're into country, of course.

Growing up, Clint Black meant Christmas was here, and to this day, I listen to him as I put up my own tree.

Over the years, I added some other albums to my Christmas playlist, and then a few singles here and there that I really liked. It's gotten quite lengthy, but that's fine with me, because I just leave it on shuffle at all times and it doesn't get old.

Even though it's a little intimidating, I have decided to share with you a little bit of myself this Christmas. I share a lot with you guys, and if my playlist brings me joy, it might bring you some joy, too. This just seems like more because my taste in music isn't necessarily for everyone, and sometimes I listen to downright dorky stuff. But I like it, and maybe you will too.

So here is my very own, near and dear to my heart Christmas playlist, to fill your life and home with love and maybe a few tidings of comfort and joy.

If you would like the slightly abridged version, click here.

For those of you who legit want my entire 6-hour Christmas masterpiece, in all it's glory, click here.

Mollie enjoys her favorite Christmas classic, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree.

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16