Always, Bekah

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Hope For The New Year

We made it.

If I had to describe 2020 in one word, I would probably call it a doozy.

2020 has been dismal to say the least, and at times, it has seemed like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.

But there is hope.

“When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn’t do but on what God said he would do.”

Romans 4:18 (MSG)

There is a new year, and I for one, am choosing to have hope for a better and brighter year ahead. God has plans for us, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I’m holding on to these promises, and they are what fuels and guides me to make goals for this upcoming year, regardless of what it brings.

Last year, I didn't make resolutions, but I did have a few goals I wanted to focus on. A few small changes that could make a big impact on my life.

They were as follows.

  1. Stop responding to messages/scrolling in bed.

    I won't lie, I didn't do great. I was good for about 6 months, and then got lazy. But it's a good habit to get back into so it's rolling over into 2021.

  2. No more "special occasions".

    Guys, I CRUSHED this one. I have been really good about enjoying life as it is, and I think 2020 was the perfect year to work on this. We have seen so many changes this year, and It was important to celebrate when we could with those we could celebrate with. Like I said almost a year ago, I am incredibly blessed every day, not just on special occasions. And as a result, there is no more saving things for "special occasions" in my house. And I am really proud of myself for that.

  3. I want to be someone I admire.

    This one is hard, but I think I really do admire myself more than I did last year. I am always working on being better than before, and I've definitely worked on accepting myself as I am this year.

This year, I've created new goals to focus on.

1. Throw Stuff Out.

Here is my new habit for the year - Get. Rid. Of. It.

With Buy Nothing and people in need everywhere, there is no reason I need to hang on to so much stuff. It's ridiculous, and unnecessary. New year, new me, right?

2. Create Experiences.

After a year of cancelled plans and constant changes, I'm going to focus on making memories and creating experiences as often as I can. You really never know when the last time you'll see someone is, and I don't want to take a moment for granted. So if I have the opportunity and the funds to take a weekend getaway, I want to! Or if I have the wild idea to have a family barbecue on a random Thursday, why not? Or if I wake up one morning on a day off and want to drive to the beach, WHY NOT?? I want to try to make every day memorable, and enhance relationships every chance I get. This means I'll have to be more flexible and spontaneous, which will be quite a challenge, but it's one I welcome.

3. Giving More Grace.

In 2020, I am going to give more grace, starting with myself. I am incredibly hard on myself and hold myself to impossible standards sometimes, so this year, I'm going to give more grace when I need it. Although, sometimes I am utterly delusional and think I am perfect, I am not, and that's okay. Not everything I do will work perfectly. I will not always hit the mark.

I will make mistakes.

We all need grace.

I can only give others the grace they need, when I have given myself the grace I need.

If you’re a resolution person, more power to you friend! If you’re not, and you just have one small thing you’d like to work on this year, I’m with ya. Praying for you always, and here to encourage you along the way!

Whatever you want your 2021 to look like, make it happen.

Happy New Year!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11