Always, Bekah

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More Blessings Than Candles

My birthday is tomorrow.

And I LOVE birthdays.

It's the one day a year that everyone has to be extra nice to you and you kind of get a free pass for the day. Naturally, I love mine a little extra. I mean, how can I not? I’ve got the best day of the year smack dab in the middle of the best month, in the best season. It really doesn’t get any better than this.

In addition to the million and one reasons fall is the best season (see 5 Fall Favorites, if you need more convincing, I’ll wait) fall is also the best season to have a birthday. My sister and I are both fall babies, and I remember having the best birthday parties. Usually they were combined, because our birthdays are three weeks apart, but we would have pumpkin carving, hayrides and my personal favorite, bobbing for apples.

Fun fact: We’re a little competitive, and started timing ourselves to see who “won” the bobbing for apples. I’m pretty sure my record is 2 seconds. I’m very proud of that.

What other season can I do all of these favorite things for my birthday? I rest my case.

Last week, Elliot and I were talking about birthdays as children, and how you remember things differently as a child. I now realize how much effort my parents put into making sure our birthdays were the most special day of the year, and that we knew how loved we were. For example, I remember my eighth birthday because it was the only birthday I've ever gone swimming. We spent the day in Phoenix, Arizona, and as swimming isn't a typical October activity, it felt really cool to be swimming in 85 degree weather. What my mom remembers about that day was decorating a conference room downstairs with birthday decorations so we could have a little party. Overnight, the hotel staff took them down, and when we went down in the morning, there was nothing, except the cake and presents that we brought down. She was really upset about that, but I never knew any different. My family was there and we had a perfect little party, and I got my Gameboy Color that day, and it was the best. gift. ever.

I really think that birthdays are meant for us to spend one day a year as if we’re a child again. We don’t need a million toys or an extravagant gift, we just want to be surrounded by those who make us feel like a million bucks, and if we get a delicious meal or special gift, that’s just icing on the cake.

I have many wonderful birthday memories, and I owe that to my parents, who showed us year after year that birthdays are a big deal and are meant to be celebrated, no matter your age. To this day, my sister and I carry on with a tradition they started, and let me tell you, birthdays are just not the same without it. I’ll share it with you.

On your birthday morning, you don’t set an alarm, and you are awoken by your family singing Happy Birthday in your room, carrying a cake full of lit candles. The first thing you do after fully opening your eyes, is make your first wish and blow out your candles. Then you get up and have cake for breakfast and open your cards and presents before you go to work or school. It is wonderful.

So there you have it. A simple little birthday tradition that changes the game. At least for me, it does. There’s something about starting your day with a little party that makes the rest of the day seem so special. There’s a little planning involved, but I encourage you all to try it and see if it makes your day seem a little bit brighter.

This weekend, I don't have huge birthday plans, but I am so. excited. for my birthday weekend. I’m not going away or throwing a party, but I’m doing what brings me the most joy, and that’s kind of the whole point. It’s my day after all.

I get to spend the weekend doing my favorite things with my favorite people.

I get to dress up in my favorite fall outfit and go to the orchard. I get to pick some apples with my family and maybe grab some apple cider donuts. I get to grab a yummy coffee and soak in the sunshine and brisk air. I get to have a dinner date with my husband. I get to have a small bonfire at my home and enjoy a cool evening. I get to bake apple pies from the apples I picked and share them with my family. I get to have a birthday dinner, with cake and ice cream, and maybe a few presents.

It’s about the blessings.

I am blessed to have a family who makes every birthday seem so special. I am blessed to have a hardworking husband who bends over backwards to help me even when he’s swamped himself. I am blessed to have a job and to be healthy and safe during this crazy time. I am blessed to have a home and two wonderful pups who make a big deal every time I come home. I am blessed to have the best neighbors anyone could ask for. I am blessed to have this blog and the opportunity to write and create and express myself. I am blessed to have people who actually read and support this little endeavor. I am blessed to have another year to grow, to make mistakes and learn from them, to become the person I am called to be, and to love.

Tomorrow, I’ll blow out my candles, but I couldn’t wish for anything more.

"For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life." Proverbs 9:11

'“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”' Numbers 6:24-26