Always, Bekah

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My Morning Routine: Why I Get Up At 4am And Actually Love It

For as long as I can remember, my mom has been an early riser. She has always been the first person awake, and the first thing she does is drink a large glass of water, pour a cup of coffee and sit down to do her devotions. I always thought it was a little crazy, because, well, normal people don’t do that. But I did notice that every time I woke up early and found her on the couch with her coffee and her Bible, she was always at peace. Or seemed like it, at least.

In October, I started the Last 90 Days challenge, which was a commitment to doing five things every day to be a better version of yourself BEFORE the New Year, so that you start strong. For me, the biggest challenge was waking up an hour before I usually did, so that I have some time to start my day right. I work 7a-7p, so I already woke up around 5 for work. This meant waking up at 4:15 AM.

Yes, 4:15. In the morning.

I’m sure you think that’s absolutely nuts, and sometimes I do too. But honestly, I don’t hate it.

I’ve created a little morning routine that I absolutely adore and has changed the way I start my day and prioritize my time.

Here it is.

  • Get up between 4:10-4:20, wash my face and put on sweats.

  • Go downstairs, pour a cup of coffee, and do my journaling and devotions for 20-25 minutes. I set a timer on my phone so I can be present during this time and not watch the clock.

  • At 5:00, I start breakfast, and begin packing our lunches.

  • We eat breakfast together between 5:15-5:30.

  • At 5:35, I go upstairs and finish getting ready

  • Walk out the door around 5:50

That’s it. It’s not that complicated, and I don’t get up hours ahead of time to get a hundred things done. I get up about 45 minutes earlier than I need to, so that I can sit and enjoy my coffee and spend a little time in gratitude and prayer. Even on a super stressful day, I can start my day in peace, and enjoy those few, precious moments of quiet stillness before I get caught up on everything that is happening around me. I have found that I am more present and intentional throughout the day when I get these extra 20 minutes of peace, and it really does make all the difference.

Before I started this new habit, I wasn’t consistent with devotions, no matter how much I wanted to. I just couldn’t find the time. And there’s NO WAY I would have willingly sacrificed other time to journal or do a gratitude practice. This time in the morning has been so therapeutic for my soul and I am able to start the day with my Father, reading and listening in the stillness. It “fills my cup” if you will, to take these 20 minutes to calm myself and step away from the stresses of life. It’s difficult to show up well for others when your cup is empty, so I’m hoping that continuing this practice will help me to better show up for those around me.

If you think this is even the slightest bit intriguing, I seriously recommend trying it for 3 consecutive days. That’s all I ask. Try it for 3 days in a row, and if it doesn’t make a difference for you, then maybe another morning routine is your jam. Maybe you like to meditate, or read. It doesn’t matter what you do for the 25 minutes, as long as it keeps you present. Meaning: not scrolling Facebook on your phone. You could literally just sit and sip your coffee in the quiet, and you would still start your day in peace.

I may not have planned on growing up to be my mother, but nevertheless, here I am, fifteen years later, starting my days early in the morning, with my Bible and a fresh cup of coffee.

“In the morning, O LORD, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.” Psalm 5:3

“They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:23