Always, Bekah

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3 Simple Steps To Actually Get Healthy This Year


All these new goals and fresh starts.

At the beginning of a new year, I always feel more motivated to be my best self. And my best self is my healthiest self.

But…it’s difficult to start fresh after a season of sweets and parties and chilly, yucky weather. I LOVE cookies, and Christmas is my jam, so I am all over the baked goods all December long, and I don’t regret it one bit.

We get these crazy ambitious goals to change our lives completely just because the year changed, literally overnight. We go from having Christmas cookies for breakfast to trying to drink protein shakes and spinach and no carbs. Its absolutely ludicrous that we do this every year, and actually think its going to work.

That being said, I DEFINITELY have some health goals I’d like to meet. I want to try eating vegetarian for a week. I want to tighten up my diet and find out what types of foods make me feel my very best. I want to work out consistently, build some muscle, and run 5 miles. I mean, I have long term goals of being a real life Disney Princess and running a half marathon at Disney, so I have to start somewhere. I want to complete another Beachbody workout program start to finish, and actually do photos to document my results.

So yeah, I have health goals, but they don’t instantly change every aspect of my nutrition and exercise habits. Why? Because I’ve adopted a few simple habits that have helped TONS to stay somewhat consistent and improve my health, no matter what time of year it is. And really, anytime I’m not feeling my best, these are the first things I do to get back to my baseline.

Here are my 3 simple ways to ACTUALLY be a healthier you this year.

Drink all the water.

It’s that simple. If you can drink half your body weight in ounces every day, I PROMISE you will feel better. If that seems like a lot for you, set a goal of 64 ounces. Or even just substituting one beverage a day with water. Start small. The more little battles you win, the stronger you get.

Incorporate more vegetables.

I have at least one serving of vegetables with every single meal. It’s almost a non-negotiable rule, because when I do skip veggies for a meal, I do not feel great. Vegetables are full of fiber, nutrients and water; all things your body needs to flush out toxins. And adding vegetables to your diet is HARD. For years, I was a carb-ey breakfast princess, if you will. Toast with peanut butter, oatmeal, coffee cake, bagels with cream cheese, ugh, it’s what dreams are made of. But two years ago, I started making a veggie omelet for breakfast every morning, and HOLY MOLY my life has changed. I feel SO much better starting my day with protein and vegetables, and its easy enough to whip up in the morning. It’s also super easy to change up every so often, as you just change the veggies. Sometimes its peppers, tomatoes or spinach, or heck, all three! The possibilities are endless, and I can feel good that I already consumed a solid serving or two of vegetables in before I even get to work.

Find a healthier substitute.

Honestly, this might be the most valuable information I could give on this topic. Because here’s the deal. We all love our favorite foods and I don’t want anyone to have to live without a snack or something they love. But, if you can, I HIGHLY recommend making a few small substitutions to make your diet a little cleaner, which makes you feel better, so really, nobody’s losing here. Over the last five or so years, I’ve adopted tiny changes that I have maintained up until this point. I’ve cut out bread and substituted with wraps. I’ve switched from white flour to only whole grain or whole wheat. I’ve swapped ranch dip for hummus with my veggies sticks. I’ve switched from 2% to skim and from skim to sweetened almond milk and from sweetened to unsweetened. I’ve started baking protein cookies and stopped cooking with butter and extra fat. And if you like sour cream on your tacos or chili, plain Greek yogurt tastes exactly the same, and is packed with protein and very little fat. There are so many ways to substitute a healthier option in your favorite meals, so that you still enjoy what you’re eating, and it doesn’t feel like you’re depriving yourself.

Pro Tip: make your spaghetti dishes with spaghetti squash. It’s a yummy, nutritious vegetable, which allows you to have your carbs in the form of glorious garlic bread.

I tell you these things not because I think I’m great at being healthy (heck, I struggle too), but because I want you to know that you don’t have to do it overnight. It takes time, and you can take baby steps. Any size step in the right direction is better than no step in the right direction, and a heck of a lot better than a step in the wrong direction. I want you to be able to enjoy the food you eat AND feel good, because it’s not too much to ask.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 1:2

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3:7-8