Always, Bekah

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2020: No More Resolutions

2020 is here. And I am stoked.

As I mentioned last week, I’m usually more sad about leaving behind a year of memories, than I am excited for a new year. I’m nostalgic and I like to hold onto things. I get attached, in a way, and I feel like I’m not ready for a new year, and I want to hold on to the old one for another two weeks at least.

This year, I made plans.

I took some time to think about what this new year is going to mean for me. What kind of person I want to be in 2020, and what I am bringing to 2020 to make the most out of the year.

I debated on a resolution. I’ve never done one, and quite honestly, the idea doesn’t excite me. Resolutions rarely work, and I feel like they’re almost like setting yourself up to fail. I don’t like failure, so that’s a negative, Ghost Rider.

I know that some people like to focus on a specific word to focus on for the year, like STRONG or ACTION or PERSEVERANCE. But I couldn’t really come up with anything that really encompassed what I wanted from this year.

So. In typical, Rebekah, fashion, I made up my own goals for 2020. It is, naturally, a list. I love lists. On my list are 3 things. One is a habit, one is a whole mindset-change on a certain concept, and the third is just the reason I’m doing these things, my WHY, if you will.

Now that you’re all on the edge of your seats, I’m going to take my sweet time to explain. You’re welcome.

  1. In 2020, I am going to stop responding to messages while I’m still in bed.

    I have this terrible habit that on my days off, I check my phone when my alarm goes off, and I respond to messages and notifications, and then I spend time scrolling instead of getting up and then I have a hard time being fully present. So, I’m going to refuse to respond to any messages until I’ve gotten up, washed my face and poured my coffee. If I can do those things, then my phone won’t seem so important and I can focus on what really matters.

  2. No more “special occasions”.

    UGH. Just know that I am very embarrassed to write the following blurb on a very public platform and now you all will know a little bit more about HOW I AM THE WORST. Ok, please proceed while I go melt in a puddle of embarrassment.

    I am SUPER frugal. So frugal, that I refuse to buy things unless they are absolutely necessary. In this particular instance, I am referring to grocery items. We hardly ever buy snacks, and I never buy completely unhealthy, “junk food”. That being said, if something is on sale that would be considered a “treat”, sometimes I will get it and “save it for a special occasion”. I know, I know, I’m certifiable. Hang in there, because this is where it gets even worse. Ugh, I hate myself just writing this.

    Okay, so for example, about a year ago, I bought these cocoa-covered almonds from Costco (where I get everything, because my heart belongs to Costco). Elliot was excited about them but I told him they were for a “special occasion”. (WHAT, BEKAH THEY ARE ALMONDS CALM DOWN). And I never specified what a “special occasion” was, and because I AM A PSYCHOPATH, naturally, no “special occasion” occurred and they went bad (WHAT A WASTE, I AM DESPICABLE).

    I do this with a lot of things, and I always have. But what I’ve found is that I am extremely blessed every single day, not just on “special occasions”. Tomorrow isn’t promised, so in 2020, I am going to do my best to treat every day as though it is a special occasion. I am going to open the good wine, even if I’m just having dinner with Elliot, and I’m going to wear my favorite leggings, even if I’m just going to the store or doing yoga. I’m not going to save my “favorites” for special occasions because I may never get that opportunity and I want to live every day of 2020 to the fullest.

  3. I want to be someone I admire.

    That is my why. We are all our own biggest critics, and we all look at each other and admire each others’ lives. I know that I’m not alone when I scroll through my instagram feed, I see all these other women and think of how great each of them are and how beautiful and how together they are. Then I look at myself and my own life and think how I could be doing so much better. How I could be more intentional, more grateful, more positive, more organized.

    “Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Rachel Hollis, AKA, my girl, Rach

    In 2020, I don’t want to compare my life to others. I want to spend that time making myself into someone I am truly proud of. I want to see myself and say things like “She works really hard. She is grateful. She is kind. She is encouraging and uplifting. She perseveres. She lives each moment to the fullest. She is happy, and I want to be like her”.

    Maybe that’s not your jam, but I am an Enneagram 3, The Achiever, to a T, and I have always tried to be a positive role model. Being someone I admire is a HUGE deal for me. Flaws and all, I want to live my best life, and be proud of it.

Whatever your 2020 goals are, I’m so proud of you. Go live the best life you can imagine.

2020 is your year.

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:30-31

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:22-24