Always, Bekah

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8 Reasons To Be Grateful

And 3 To Stay Grateful!

There's a war going on.

You know what side you're on, and you know that the other side is just, wrong.

We're trying to avoid the conflict as best we can, but it's really inevitable. I've never written any kind of potentially controversial posts on the blog, because I really do try to avoid the politics as much as possible.

I'm sorry friends, it can't be avoided.

I'm decorating for Christmas BEFORE Thanksgiving.

I know. I'm going to lose readers over this.

What I need you to understand is that I love Thanksgiving. I really do. And I plan on celebrating Thanksgiving in all its glory and really being present and grateful in this season.

I'm simply bringing in a little comfort and joy, too. That's all. And many of you have already decorated, so I'm the one behind, here. You ladies are amazing, and your homes are just stunning.

And quite honestly, I think we all kind of celebrate Christmas during Thanksgiving. It's the Christmas kickoff.

Even the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade does it. First thing in the morning, the parade is on and everything in New York is decorated for Christmas, and Christmas songs are played and it ends with the finale, Santa Claus himself.

When the biggest Thanksgiving event in America celebrates Christmas, I don't want to hear that I'm decorating too early.

As a matter of fact, decorating for Christmas kind of makes me ponder the things I'm grateful for, so it's really a Thanksgiving kickoff, in a way. Everything comes full-circle.

Thanksgiving is approaching, and with the world the way it is, I can't help but think that starting holidays a little early just can't be that bad.

My mom sent me a quote this week that goes..

"If all you had today was what you thanked God for yesterday, what would you have?"

It makes you think, doesn't it?

So this week, I'm starting a list of things I'm grateful for. As the season goes on, my list will grow, but I like starting early. It helps me to get fully into the spirit of each holiday, especially when things get busier, and it's easier to get distracted.

Here is my Gratitude List, and I hope you each take a few moments to make one yourselves. It's important to focus on the things that matter.

  1. My husband - This man has shown up for me in so many ways lately, I could not be more grateful for what he brings to my life. The more he grows into a Godly man and husband, the more amazed I am that I was chosen to be his partner. I am so blessed to be his wife.

  2. My family - I am so blessed to have such a supportive and giving family. We do everything together, and I know that if I needed anything, I could call them and they would help instantly. Many people can't say that, and sometimes I take it for granted.

  3. My dogs - Ellie and Mollie are my world, and they bring so much love and joy into my life every single day.

  4. My health - I am healthy, and have stayed healthy throughout this year, and with a global pandemic, I am reminded how valuable health really is.

  5. My home - Although sometimes I think I need a larger living area to decorate with more Christmas trees, I am grateful to have a safe, cozy home to rest and relax in. And also decorate.

  6. Finances - We have paid off a lot of debt this year, and I am so grateful for the freedom it has provided us, and for our success in setting goals and achieving them!

  7. My country - In a time when our country is experiencing unrest, I am still grateful for my country and the freedoms we enjoy here. I am grateful to have a say in our democracy, and I pray for our leaders as we enter a new year with new challenges.

  8. This blog - You will never know how much it means to me that you stick with me and read my posts. I had a goal that 5 people would subscribe after a year, and I'm sitting at 50. Your encouragement means the world to me, and I am grateful for your support over the last year.

These are obviously the big things I'm thankful for this year. I've also found that doing a daily gratitude practice for the little things that brighten your day are just as important as the big things, and keeps me looking for the little things and staying grateful on a consistent basis. So, here are my little things that I'm grateful for this week.

  1. Breakfast and adventuring with my grandmother on her birthday.

  2. Elliot giving Ellie a bath, blow dry and haircut as a surprise, because he knew I was dreading it.

  3. My new pencil tree for my foyer - $40 at Michaels! Love that deal, and I'm so excited to add a tree to my home this year! AND it's prelit. SO excited.

"I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:16

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24