Always, Bekah

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The Little Joys: An Everyday Journey To Gratitude

You Guys. I cannot express how excited I am about this post. CAN. NOT. EXPRESS. Last week I talked about how I made a friend who blogs and is helping me learn how to say things online. Did I mention that she’s super sweet, loves coffee and is way cooler than I will ever be?

Meet Keri. As it turns out, we really should have met about 5 or 6 years ago, but hey, that’s Delaware for ya. She just celebrated her first anniversary with her husband Luke, which is amazing, and I’m taking notes as I rapidly approach my own six-month anniversary. Keri has been blogging for 10 years! WHAT. She willingly sat and chatted with me for two hours at a Starbucks and I felt like I met my new best friend. You will love her!

Keri had this great idea that she and I could do a guest post on each other’s blog, and I absolutely jumped on board. So, the following post, was written by the one and only, Keri Papili, the author of the super-cute blog, Coffee with Keri. In return, I wrote a post for her blog, and you can find it on her site on Friday! Check her out and subscribe, she’s got tons of wisdom and joy to share.



Odds are, you are on one of two teams. Team “It’s Christmas time! Bring on all things Christmas!” or Team “Wait a second. Let’s celebrate Thanksgiving first!”


I plead the fifth on which team I’m on, BUT I will say this.


I feel bad for November. I really do.


Thanksgiving is ignored until the week of the Big Feast. Once Halloween is over, Christmas is everywhere. Every store, every commercial, every email. It’s all about holiday deals and Black Friday shopping and getting the perfect gift for that special someone. 


Thanksgiving is left in the dust. 

Yet when the big dinner arrives, we gather, we reflect, we express gratitude. We share memories from the year and what we’re thankful for…until it’s time to clean up and go Black Friday shopping to get the new, shiny thing we HAVE to have right now. 


Hold UP. 


Take a second. 


In the craziness and busyness of life…breathe.


Look around you. 


Look at the sky and its blue-ness. Look at the trees and their colorful foliage. 


Listen to the rain as it hits the roof. Sip your coffee and taste its flavor.


Notice your good hair day. Turn up your favorite song on the radio.


Do you hear that? Do you see it? Do you acknowledge it? 


The little joys in life we take for granted are everywhere, in the background as we rush to the next thing.


They’re there. 


Do you see them? 


Admittedly, I tend to rush through life without seeing these little joys. I am a Type-A “organization enthusiast,” which means I love my planner and strictly follow my to-do lists. (No lie, even everyday tasks like “make bed” are on said to-do list so I can check it off.) 


Needless to say, seeing the little things in life is not easy for me. I struggle with looking up at the world around me and taking the time to really see it. To truly “stop and smell the roses,” as they say. 


The act of pinpointing the little things in life is not just for the sake of finding them to “check it off” your mental list. 


It’s the act of finding and then appreciating the little things. 


Gratitude is not a one-day stunt where we share what we’re thankful for. It’s not reflecting on one great thing that’s happened within the past 365 days. It’s not even enjoying the meal set before you. 

Gratitude is choosing to embrace the little things in life. It’s the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It’s not rushing by, but instead taking time to intentionally slow down and see. 


This month, I challenge you to slow down with me. Appreciate the micro moments of each day. Look up from your checklists, from the busyness of life, from your never-ending lists, from the craziness of the holiday season and simply…


Look, find, and appreciate. 


It may not be Thanksgiving, but you can always be thankful. Join the journey with me. In the loud hustle and bustle of life, intentionally choose to find the little things and be thankful.



“It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”

– David Steindl-Rast
