Always, Bekah

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11 Tips for a Mental Health Reset

Last week was not a good week. At least not for my mental health.

I was feeling really overwhelmed, distracted, and like there was so much negativity surrounding many aspects of my life that it was starting to seep in through the pores of my skin.

After some deep consideration and prayer, I realized that I had slipped into some habits that aren’t great, and quite honestly, I needed to get it together.

One time, I was complaining about something so stupid to one of my favorite people in the world, and she so wisely said,

“You’re upset about that?! You’re running a loose ship, Rebekah. Tighten it up!”

While it seemed harsh in the moment, she was right. I did need to tighten it up. Now, every time I start to fall off track, I remember those words.

So I did some problem solving and soul searching, and I came up with several things that I can do every day to help me reset my brain and tighten up this ship. What’s more, is that it actually worked; I feel like a completely different person this week.

While almost all of these are unbelievably simple, easy and free to do, it doesn’t mean they don’t make a significant impact on your life, health, joy and overall well-being. It’s wild what can happen when you prioritize yourself a little bit.

mental health reset

  1. limit screen time.

  2. pomodoros/setting timers for breaks

  3. exercising daily - preferably in the morning

  4. get to bed early

  5. spending a little bit of time outdoors - having coffee, getting the mail, going for a walk

  6. read a real book at bedtime (not a kindle)

  7. listen to music that relaxes me or brings joy. dance parties are a plus.

  8. tidy throughout the day and keep living spaces clean

  9. burn a candle

  10. do my hair and makeup, because sometimes looking like a human makes me feel like one.

  11. walking the dogs after work each day to separate work and home life

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